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*Important Notes*

Gotten great feedback on entry 14! :)

Grocery Shopping

Jun 17 7:02pm

Don't feel much like talking today...

Jun 18 12:26pm

Of course the others had many questions when they awoke to Weaver laying next to his new bloodstained toy. We told them the story of the Indiana farmer and how Weaver had saved another life with sheer brute force. We told them about his new treasures and our new ride.

When we showed them the ancient vehicle they all did two things. Laughed and and agreed it was more than capable of doing the job.

We packed all our things up and hit the road once more. We actually seemed a bit spritely that morning. Enjoying the Kentucky air joking and laughing as we normally do. Everything seemed to be going well for us at the moment. Kody seemed to fit perfectly in to our little pack. We began to get pretty close to him. He had so many stories of getting in fights and missions he had to go on. However, he always had a funny twist for every story. We were in such great moods that we forgot that the zombies even existed! There weren't any on the highway (I suppose that makes sense considering there isn't anything for them to eat there) All we seemed to do on the car ride to Texas was tell stories of the times before. Most of which were funny. It kept us in good spirits! In fact, such good spirits that we decided we deserved a treat. We agreed to stop at the next major exit we saw and find a grocery store.

Driving down the road at roughly 100mph, we passed a Wal-Mart that was just off the highway. We turned around and took the exit. Even pulling in to the parking lot where there were a few zombies didn't bring us back to reality. We entered the empty grocery store, after dispatching a few interested ghastly creatures. The thing that brought us back to earth was the blood streaks and spots on the ground all over the abandoned store. We crept around looking for any threats. However, to our surprise, there wasn't anything to be afraid of. We slipped back in to our good mood, making jokes about there being no zombies in the store.

"Well, I suppose there isn't a brains section.." gestured Kody.

We all sort of split up and actually shopped! It felt so good to just feel normal again! Cole and Tuttle went to the hunting and guns section to pick up on supplies and ammo. Of course Weave went to the sports section to find a new bat. Kody and I wanted to grab genral supplies for our trip. We started with clothes.

We got some new clothes. Nothing fancy or anything, just stuff that was easy to move in. We then decided to get deodorant and dental floss and the like. It had been so long sense we could just take care of ourselves. We could all use a shower. We really didn't bother buying any hair supplies.. we joked that that was a stupid idea.

"I gotta have some meat man!" announced Kody.

"Alright man, I'm gonna catch up with Cole." I chuckled in return. He headed off to the grocery section.

When I caught up with Cole and Tuttle they were carrying so new toys as well as a cart full of boxes.

"What's in the boxes?" I questioned curiously.

"Ammo!" Tuttle replied.

Cole had gotten a laser-sight and a green-scope for his silenced MP5. He completely left his 38 behind saying it was just extra weight... I agreed.

Tuttle had also made a few modifications to his center contender. Until now it had been too loud for him to use. He put a huge suppressor on it and a stock on the back. He also added a really nice scope to the beast. It looked a lot like a normal rifle to me...

We loaded the car up with our supplies. While loading in a package of bottled water Tuttle asked, "Where is Kody?".

To which I replied "I don't know."

"Well he went with you right?" countered Weave.

"Yeah but he said.... oh, he must be in the grocery section somewhere!" I replied.

"Well let's go get him so we can get out of here!" exclaimed Cole.

We went back in to the familiar grocery store. We looked around through all the aisles containing food. We couldn't seem to find him! At this point we were calling his name. After about twenty or so minutes we began to worry. I was walking pretty quickly and I was the only one still picking through the grocery section of the large store. I found myself half sprinting down an aisle that lead to the meat portion of the grocery section. I slowed as I reached the end of the aisle. I looked up at the sign that read "Freshly cut Meats!". This had reminded me that Kody had said he wanted some meat. I had figured he meant more beef jerky..

I decided to investigate behind the counter of the meat shop. The floors were tile and it was cold. It smelt awful behind that counter. So awful I had almost forgotten about Kody and was more interested in investigating that awful smell! The smell led me to a large cold white door. I opened the door only to find a carpeted stairwell. The walls were white painted brick streaked with blood... hand prints trying to grab the walls. I followed the stairs very slowly, now very cautious of what lurked below. I should have went back and got the others, but i was just too curious, I forgot they even existed! The smell got stronger each step I took. I turned the corner only to see my worst night mare. Bodies hung from meat hooks attached to the ceilings. The hooks were run through the victims' leg just above the knee. I was disgusted. The bodies were hung in an orderly fashion... like a giant rectangle with aisles to inspect each hook and its capture. Walking around the mass of victims, I heard a cough. I moved to inspect the noise. It hadn't thought about what the source of the noise could have been. I didn't want too..

There he was, sticken in to his shoulder with something shap, almost as if cut in to with a sword. He hung by his leg like the others...blood dripping from his wound on to the floor.

"Oh my God!...Kody.." I half whispered.

"It hurts so much.." Kody answered amongst his cries.

"I'm gonna get cha down buddy, it's gonna be alright!" I promised.

In reply, he shook his head no as he wept.

"It's not gonna be alright, get outta here." he choked, with a final tear dropping from his eye.

"Hungry?!" a friendly voice sprang from behind.

I turned to find a beast of a man standing at least 6'5". He was fat but not morbidly obese. He was such a large man that he could afford to carry alot of weight and still be very strong. He wore a blood stained white apron over a short sleeve plain white tshirt and carried the biggest meat cleaver I had ever seen, also bloodstained. I starred at him in awe of his massive size.

"Well, aren't cha gonna speak friend?!" he chuckled loudly. "I've got plenty to go around!", he grabbed the body nearest to him and swung his massive tool. The cleaver tore clean through the leg of the victim, plumetting it to the ground. The massive man grabbed the lifeless victim by the roof of it's mouth, dragging it across the tiles towards his large cutting board. When the monster reached his place of work he turned around and grabbed the body by it's leg and it's neck, lifting it with ease. I couldn't see what horrorifying operation he was performing, his large body provided as a screen blocking the scene. However, I could hear it. Bone cracking, flesh tearing. I couldn't help but close my eyes and picture the mutilation.

"Yer awfully shy ain't cha buddy?"

Still no reply from me. He stopped his work and peeked over his left shoulder at me. After a bit of a pause he moved over to his furnace. He put on some large leather gloves that ran all the way up to his shoulders. The man continued to pull out a large silver tray covered with bits of well done meat. He set the tray on his preparation table. Then he proceeded to toothpick the smaller cut pieces.

"Come 'ere boy!" belched the monster.

Too shocked to ignore his command, I approached the prep table. He turned to me with a piece of meat on the tip of a toothpick.

"Tell me what cha think!" said the beast, with a smirk.

I was too afraid to object. I leaned in first smelling the product. I pulled the bit of meat off the wooden stick. I chewed the rubbery chunck.

"That's the last bit of cow I had left. Good huh?!" he said with a smile.

I sighed in relief. "Who are you and why are you doing this to these people?"

"Why, I am the butcher. Can't you tell?! And... I love meat! Don't you?!" The man chuckled!

"Why haven't you done to me what you've done to the others?!" I asked angrily.

"I am a great butcher, a good judge of meat and taste and you my friend, are not what I look for!" The pig squelched.

"You are a monster! Look what you have done!" I prosecuted.

"Better watch what chu say boy!" the beast replied angrily.

"You killed my friend." I said calmly as I raised my shotgun.

The crazy scrunched his face, determined to kill again. He moved towards me with a fire. As he clutched at my gun I fired. It hit him directly in the gut. The gigantic monster fell to his knees just below my barrel. He paused for a moment starring at the wound, placing his hand over it just to see if it was real. When he pulled his hand from his fresh wound his hand became drenched in blood. This angered him and he let out a loud roar as he reached up and snatched the barrel of my shotgun. He stood to his feet and jerked the gun from my hand. He tossed the gun behind him not even looking back. He starred in to my eyes as he raised his cleaver over my head. Just before he clamped down on me, there was a snap! From nowhere the beasts head exploded through the right side! I looked to my right and there was Tuttle aiming through his new scope. The beast fell over to the ground and let out a long sigh. Tuttle lowered his contender.

"You okay?" asked Tuttle.

"Yeah I'm alright." I said as I shivered.

"Kody?" questioned Tuttle.

I shook my head no..

"Oh.." said Tuttle as his eyes sunk to the floor.

"Let's get out of here." I suggested.

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